Thursday, 11 September 2014


I am one of those people who think that each book has its moment. And Jellicoe Road arrived at a moment when I needed it. I needed this book and I'm not the same since I've finished it. There are all kinds of books. There are books that make you laugh, mourn and sigh. There are books that make you feel happy, sad, angry or upset. There are other very special to make you think and reflect. And finally, there are other very very special books that stir your inside and change your life. Jellicoe Road belongs to the latter group (speaking from my own experience and knowing myself).

I have such a weird feeling. I do not know how I feel. This was the first thing I wrote after reading Jellicoe Road on Goodreads. I had mixed feelings at that time (and even I still have them). Jellicoe Road is a special book. The story is special. Melina Marchetta's style is special. The characters are special. The message is special. Everything is special. 
“It's funny how you can forget everything except people loving you. Maybe that's why humans find it so hard getting over love affairs. It's not the pain they're getting over, it's the love.”
I can hardly write this review because I do not know how to make you get the message "read this book" because seriously it worth it. Maybe you do not like it as much as me. Maybe you do not get as much as me. Maybe you do not cry as much as I did. Maybe yes, maybe not. What I can assure you is that this book will not leave you indifferent and you will be thinking about it days after finishing it. It's that kind of book.
“But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes... and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can't forgive yourself for.” 
I'm not going to talk about the characters or the plot. The less you know about it, the more you will be amazed and marvel over. To be honest, the beginning is very confusing and because of this confusion maybe you do not want to continue reading. Please, read on. It is a reading in which you must be very attentive to details. This book is made piece by piece to finally fit into a beautiful and perfect puzzle. Do not be fooled by his cheerful cover, its pages contain a darker story than it seems.

Melina Marchetta's style is not comparable to another one. Her style is beautiful, pure, poetic, flawless and she writes for searching the deepest parts of each person to destroy them. Without any doubts I will read more books by Melina Marchetta, I'm looking forward to read Finnickin of the Rock because of its excellent critics.

Jellicoe Road does not belong to a specific genre, it has a special category inside of us. With this book I remember the phrase "two persons ever read the same book" because nobody is going to read the book in the same way I have done it and that makes this one very special book. Always. I would recomend it, maybe it surprises you as much as me.


  1. I haven't heard anything but good things about this book. I have it in audio and I hope to listen to soon. Great review :)

    1. In audio it will be an amazing experience!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as me! :)

      Thank you so much, Elizabeth! ♥

  2. Hola guapa! en estos momentos es cuando me desespero por no tener una mayor fluidez a la hora de leer inglés. Me ha puesto los vellos de punta con tu opinión. " Es un libro especial, el estilo de la autora es especial, los personajes son especiales, el mensaje es especial, todo es especial.." Osea lo quiero!! Me ha encantado los quotes es segundo que gran verdad!!!! Gracias por la reseña

    Besos :*

    1. ¡Preciosa! ♥ Espero que le des una oportunidad; además, creo que está traducido al español con el nombre de 'En el camino de Jellicoe' *tiempo para confirmarlo* Sí, en Amazon puedes encontrarlo :) Uf... me siento presionada jajajajaja Tal vez no te llegue tanto como a mí, pero sé que no dejará indiferente a todo el que lo lea. Y creo que aunque sólo sea por eso, merece la pena leerlo.

      ¡Gracias por pasarte! ¡Besos! ♥
